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What do Rudolph Steiner, Krishnamurti, Annie Besant, Alan Watts, Carl Jung, Esalen Institute, et al. (along with an entire host of Hollywood gurus and fake, synthetic, historical religious narratives) all have have in common?

Behold, Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) a British occultist, politician, grand strategist and oligarchical heir to two of the oldest bloodlines of England’s elite.

Satanism appears to be a rather recent historical (19th Century) phenomena, (in its present overt form). There were Occult secret society’s prior, (going back millenia), however it now appears the Covert black magic has evolved to an Overt Op, insofar as mass media, manipulation, general acceptance, complacency and tolerance. (Ref: the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy place, It appears concurrent with the “New Age of Enlightenment”)

The Epistemological Roots of Satanist’s” would be a fitting sub-title for “The Occult Tesla Part 8.”

The Occult Tesla Part 8


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