Much appreciated! Excellent work.

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Plato was aware of dimensional thought as evidenced by his story of the Cave and the shadows projected on the wall. The only way to get through all the mistranslations and politically motivated "revisions" to find out what actually happened 10,000 or more years ago is to apply process. That is using the integral of "what happened" as a test to see whether a piece of text is telling the truth or not. The dimensional integral - "How it happened" as the creator of "What happened" is an effective test of veracity.

In fact the process of integrals and derivatives provides both a simple and yet beautifully complex comprehension of the universe and time itself.


This is mathematical philosophy, neither Christian nor New age, neither western nor eastern, neither Greek nor Hindu.

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Most every time you or Matt Ehret write about aliens, I am including either your articles or the information therein on a large and growing "History of UFO/aliens BS" graph:


Thank you for the time and research!

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Thanks Matthew.

And yeah, I don’t know who still needs to hear this but the aliens aren’t going to save us!

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In part to honor those killed on the Feast of the Hily Trinity in Crimea and Dagestan, could you please give an overview of how the Orthodox see the Holy Trinity?

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To my knowledge, one difference, which can be treated as a technical or fundamental difference (depending on who you ask), is whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

In the early, formative debates the Catholic credo insisted it was from the Father and the Son, while the Orthodox said that was not correct and the Spirit proceeded from the Father TO the son.

The implications are alluded to in the article, but part II will continue to build on the subject matter, in its own way.

I think it comes down to the question of interpreting what it means for man to be made in the image of God, such that the question becomes: what does it mean to imitate the divine and to connect with that in ourselves, to walk in the light of Truth?

Whether Catholic or Orthodox, or any other denomination, I think there are good and bad people on all sides, and the goal should be a love and desire for the real thing, not simply going through the motions in a formalist fashion or believing everything is ultimately settled by winning an intellectual argument.

There are plenty of folks who don’t concern themselves with the formal arguments too much and walk the walk more than those who are passionate about debating these things day after day.

At the end of the day, God is Truth and whatever is true partakes of the Holy Spirit.

Intellectual arguments won’t save anyone if the various tribes are quarrelling amongst eachother instead of uniting against the common enemy who threatens all the tribes.

That’s pretty short hand, but stay tuned for part II and we’ll be getting a bit more into both the theological and scientific implications of imago viva dei and capax dei.

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Thank you! That is fascinating. I would have an easier time explaining the Orthodox take over the Catholic one.

We gotta a Protestant church now. It is funny because they give 45 minute sermons. But I think that their response to the question would be, hey let's sing a song. Seriously, I think that they would say that the Holy Spirit was waiting in the wings and came to us directly; not from the father or the son.

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" I would have an easier time explaining the Orthodox take over the Catholic one."

You're welcome to break it down!

I listen to Jay Dyer's podcast, he's an Orthodox and often discusses these things, but I'd be interested to hear how you view the matter, and the implications stemming from the Orthodox interpretation of consubstantiality and the Trinity.

I will note that America and its founding was greatly influenced by a Protestant emphasis on separation between Church and State, which also gave way to a unique kind of independence and individualism which you don't have in Europe, which is seen in the fact that Europe was never really able to break with the oligarchical slime mold and its superstructures. Russia under the Orthodox Church remained a feudal state until not very recently. All of Western civilization was in the clutch of old imperial superstructures (with a few exceptional and pivotal moments of grace and intellectual/spiritual fortitude) until some folks broke away and started something new in America.

In America, there was a strong belief in one's self-sufficiency, which when we fast-forward, takes the form of a lot of entrepreneurship, starting one's own company, factory, industries, inventions etc. Europe is very different in this respect. Naturally, that self-sufficiency, if not informed by a proper and healthy sense of a higher power, can easily lead to a faithless and materialistic culture, given it's assumed man is essentially self-sufficient, and shouldn't rely on any kind of grace or charity.

A lot of cultural implications from all directions.

Whichever road one takes, I think it has to be a nuanced one. Whichever angle we approach the question from, I think it's still incumbent upon the person to make sure they're not just going by tribal affinity or some cookie-cutter intellectual approach. Too many people seem to choose a path, decide they're saved, and then just get lazy from there. And that's more a human nature thing than anything else.

In a word: one can't avoid the wayless way, whichever way one chooses.

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