Fear is the eighth, the secret sin kept hidden,

Partner to greed, telling followings forbidden,

For animals with fear and reward are best herded,

Only followings of blindlnesses rewarded.

Shep of Herds

Lords make Congegates.


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What puzzles me about this poem is that it leaves me with the feeling that its rhythm is regular and it is fully rhymed. And yet that simply isn't the case. How is this achieved?

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2 things in mind , one is mk ultra product artist ren:


And a cool manga i watch with my sons:


Then to comment the work, its so well writen the first sentence woulndt even need the part : says pride to be understandable. I really love working with vice and vertue as vice versa in many ways.

One last thing, the painting really have a bosch style in it. Or maybe its only me…

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